Urban & Civic Map to Net Zero




Urban & Civic


Mxed Use

Size of Project:



  • Homes & Places
  • Net Zero
  • Strategy Setting

The Project:

Urban&Civic are the UK’s largest Master Developer of strategic sites and deliver green, grey and community infrastructure after which fully serviced land parcels are marketed to housebuilders. KLH has developed Urban&Civic’s Map to Net Zero, setting out the carbon reduction targets leading the way towards a Net Zero Carbon future. Urban&Civic’s carbon baseline, established after the assessment of the carbon footprint of one of their development sites, shows that Scope 3 emissions stemming from the construction and operation of infrastructure and community buildings by Urban&Civic form 96% of the entire carbon footprint between 2021-2035, with the remaining 4% attributed to Scope 1 and 2 emissions associated with the electricity and fossil fuel use from Urban&Civic controlled facilities. Urban&Civic are assuming the responsibility assigned to them to take on the challenge of reducing Scope 3 emission in line with the available carbon budget for the well-below-2-degrees (WB2) scenario as defined by the Science-Based Target’s initiative (SBTi).
The Urban&Civic Map to Net Zero evolves around three core objectives:

  • Net Zero by 2030 for Scope 1&2 emissions resulting from fuels burned and electricity consumed directly by Urban&Civic. This trajectory is well within a 1.5oC carbon budget as defined by the Science-Based Targets’ initiative (SBTi) (see text box for a short introduction to SBTi).
  • Cumulative absolute Scope 3 emissions within the next critical years to remain within the carbon budget for the well-below-2 degrees (WB2) scenario of Science Based Targets (SBTs), with an aspiration to meet the budget for 1.5oC.
  • Net Zero by 2040 for Scope 3 emissions resulting directly and indirectly from infrastructure and buildings commissioned by Urban&Civic.