University of Nottingham (Estate Development)
Nottingham, UK
University of Nottingham
Mxed Use
Size of Project:
- Homes & Places
- Strategy Setting
The Project:
KLH Sustainability collaborated with the University of Nottingham, MCW Architects and Gleeds to develop a robust sustainability position for the recently published 20-year Estates Development Framework. KLH defined a clear over-arching ambition, ‘Evolution without a carbon footprint’, ultimately reflecting a short-term ambition that any future development will not result in increased consumption of critical resources.
The longer-term strategy is even more ambitious with the framework setting out a clear roadmap towards energy self-sufficiency, water neutrality, material resource efficiency, biodiversity net gain and strong community connections. The roadmap is based on high-level technical analysis of the University’s current status and the potential contribution of new and emerging technologies and management philosophies.
Recommendations are also provided on strategy implementation, including effective data collection, collaborative decision-making and the application of a dynamic, systems thinking approach as the journey to net-zero carbon progresses.
The full Strategy can be accessed through the University of Nottingham website.