Impact Modular




Impact Modular




  • Homes & Places
  • Net Zero
  • Strategy Setting

The Project:

KLH was appointed as the sustainability consultant within a multi-disciplined team, to assist Impact Modular in developing a residential ‘modular’ building solution that is “greener” than current market offerings. To this end KLH provided design advice supported by operational energy and embodied carbon modelling. The module performance and the implication of design choices were mapped against industry best practice standards enabling Impact Modular to weigh other considerations such as cost and ease of build against sustainability aspirations. To this end KLH:

  • Upskilled the client and design team to understand ‘whole-life’ carbon and industry best practice and benchmarks.
  • Upskilled the design team in relation to sustainable design principles.
  • Employed operational energy modelling, modelling the module in a hypothesised typical theoretical deployment scenario with Passivhaus Planning Package (PHPP) software.
  • Conducted high level embodied carbon modelling, translating industry benchmarks on whole-building embodied carbon into relevant figures as they related to the building ‘module’.
  • Communicated to the team the challenges, because of its particular structural properties, the module faced in meeting short/medium term industry best practice benchmarks for embodied carbon.