The Arbour


London, UK





Size of Project:

10 units


  • Homes & Places
  • Net Zero
  • Strategy Setting

The Project:

Orford Mews is the pilot carbon positive, zero waste, zero bills project of gs8, comprising ten residential units in Walthamstow, North London. In an unconventional design approach, the client has placed KLH at the centre of the project team, essentially operating as a project facilitator and manager – the client confidante. This position within the team structure enables KLH to guide the architects and engineers to explore sustainable design and material alternatives that contribute to the sustainability agenda.

Orford Mews is projected to generate sufficient renewable energy over the course of a year to meet the operational energy demand of the entire site. By exploring innovative rapidly renewable and natural materials and minimizing high carbon materials such as steel and concrete, the development will store more biogenic carbon than the embodied carbon it takes to build. Waste is eliminated from the construction process by re-using 100% of the existing site won materials in creative solutions such as earth blocks from site won spoil to provide internal wall finishes.

KLH is proud to announce that  The Arbour by GS8 has won the National RIBA Award 2024.

When we set out to become the most sustainable development company in the world, of all the sustainability consultants we approached, KLH by far showed the greatest expertise and enthusiasm in achieving this huge feat and have continued to impress and innovate ever since.

Ben Spencer - GS8 Development, Director