Merit- Map to Net Zero


United Kingdom




Corporate Strategy


  • Complex Buildings & Materials
  • Net Zero
  • Strategy Setting

The Project:

Merit is an offsite manufactured building company with a range of products that enable up to 90% of a building’s manufactured value to be constructed offsite, specialising in complex buildings such as laboratories and hospitals. Having gained a thorough understanding of the operational energy and carbon emissions of their buildings through the years using advanced simulation modelling and in-use monitoring, Merit now sought to understand the embodied carbon impact of their business and develop a Map to Net Zero. In close collaboration with Merit’s BIM modelling team and coordinating a wide engagement exercise with their supply chain, KLH developed embodied carbon databases for Merit’s full MEP product range and standard building specifications; these allow Merit to estimate the embodied carbon impacts of their projects as an automatic process through BIM.

KLH also developed a net zero carbon roadmap for Merit that aligns with the Science Based Targets Initiative Net Zero Carbon Framework, encompassing Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions. Informing both exercises and acting as a case study, a whole life carbon assessment was undertaken for Autolus Therapeutics, a new Merit project that was under construction at the time of KLH’s appointment.

KLH worked with Merit to develop a Net Zero Roadmap and performed a whole life carbon assessment of the Autolus Theraputics building