Peterborough, UK
Integrated Food Projects
Size of Project:
- Complex Buildings & Materials
- Net Zero
- Strategy Setting
The Project:
KLH Sustainability has provided sustainability advice for Oatly’s first UK production facility located in Peterborough from the early stage feasibility study, to design development, procurement and construction.
KLH developed a sustainability framework for the factory, aligning with best practice strategies on water efficiency, waste minimisation, embodied carbon reduction, health and wellbeing, and community engagement during the design, construction, and operation of the facility. Having led the sustainability strategy development, KLH Sustainability collaboated with Integrated Food Projects, Oatly, the design team and Integrated Food Projects Construction to implement it. This was done by means of targeted workshops and ongoing support. KLH has worked with the contractors to understand and measure the embodied carbon impact of the mechanical, electrical and process equipment of the factory and in turn has created a blueprint whole life carbon model that will inform the design of the future Oatly factories.